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House Bill 506 was signed by the Governor. Starting July 1, 2011 the State will have a procedure set up for those with a Permit/License to Carry to obtain an endorsement for certain training. The Law says: an instructional course in the safe handling and use of firearms offered by an instructor certified by a nationally recognized organization that customarily offers firearms training, or by any other organization approved by the Department of Public Safety.
If you obtain this endorsement you will be allowed to carry in all places listed as off limits in 45-9-101except for any police, sheriff or highway patrol station or any detention facility, prison or jail. The rules/procedure for obtaining an endorsement have been described to me as the following by a person who has been through the process.
Upon completion of the program, the course instructor will issue a completed MS DPS approved certificate.
The CCW holder will report to a CCW issuing location and present the certificate AND their current CCW.
DPS will make a copy of your class certificate and mail your Instructor Certified firearms permit with in 45 days.

While MSDPS CCW Permit locations normally restrict New Applications, Renewals and Professional
permits to certain days, the endorsement can be obtained any day.
Confidence Through Training now introduces
BassPro and Brownells
for Supplies and Ammunition

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